Empowerment through education

"Our volunteer administration ensures nearly 95% of funds raised go directly to supporting disadvantaged children in regional Nepal."

Sponsorship options

Sponsor a village (scholarship) child – $30/month

There is no welfare system in Nepal and in regional areas, subsistence rural families are simply too poor to provide their children with an education. This sponsorship goes to providing these children with school uniforms, text books, cover school fees while they live at home.

Sponsor a child in our Hostel – $50/month

FHC has built a dedicated Hostel to provide a safe and comfortable place for children from desperate circumstances. Some are orphans but many are not, coming from a background of extreme poverty and/or family disfunction. When they come to our Hostel, they are fed, clothed, mentored, provided with medical care, and given access to the local school where they can study to Year 10. FHC covers all costs to keep them in a safe and supportive environment.

Sponsor a college student – $150/month

This level of sponsorship provides students, who wish to go onto Year 11 and 12 in Kathmandu or Melamchi, with secure accommodation, medical care, mentoring, education fees, uniforms, and textbooks. These students have excelled though their schooling and are committed to furthering their professional aspirations.

You may cancel your sponsorship instantly at anytime. We understand that circumstances can change. Email our membership secretary with your instructions.


  • Please include first name and family name.
  • Please double check the address.
  • We like to have your postal address on file so we can acknowledge your significant contributions to FHC through the mail.
  • $0.00

© Friends of Himalayan Children 2025

Website created by RJ New Designs