Thank you for your interest in raising funds and awareness for Friends of Himalayan Children (FHC). It is our expectation that all people who represent FHC will conduct their activity in a way that inspires trust, confidence and respect in our charity an the work we do.
Please take a moment to read this document as it outlines our requirements and the responsibilities for all who wish to fundraise for FHC.
FHC appreciates the support of all those who wish to undertake fundraising for us. However to manage risk organisational liability it is necessary for all individuals to follow the protocol below.
What you need to do:
1. Provide a short written description of planned event.
2. Read and sign FHC’S Liability Disclaimer (can download from below).
3. Forward all funds raised to FHC within one month.
4. Undertake all fundraising activities for FHC using the following values of FHC – Accountability, Communication, Respect, Commitment, Positive attitude.
Once your fundraising activity has been approved and the Liability Disclaimer has been signed, our team will keep in touch with you and your progress.
FHC may be able to assist in the following:
1. Creating your own fundraising page.
2. Listing your event on our website or social media pages.
3. Receipts for you to give to donors. Receipt books should be kept in a safe place and returned to FHC at end of event. Receipts should only be given to people who donate over $2.00. This excludes costs associated with event including administration, purchases for events, raffles and entry to events.
4. FHC representative to attend your event (dependent on availability).
5. Providing a fundraising kit, which allows use of the FHC Logo and images.
FHC will NOT be able to provide the following:
1. Reimbursement for any expenses incurred (without prior approval).
2. Contact lists for you to use in promoting your event (due to privacy laws).
3. FHC staff to help coordinate or run the event.
4. Any other general assistance in organising and marketing your event.
5. Applications for permits, licenses, or insurances required (these are the responsibility of the fundraiser).
6. Prizes, auction or raffle items.
Responsibilities of all FHC Fundraisers
It is important to acknowledge that your fundraising event is not an FHC event and this is made clear in all correspondence/publicity promoting this event. You may choose any of the following phrases.
“Proudly supporting FHC”
“Proudly supporting Friends of Himalayan Children Inc.”
“Proceeds raised will go to support FHC”
“Proceeds raised will go to support Friends of Himalayan Children Inc.”
Contact us for further information.
You can download a Liability Disclaimer form here. Complete the form and email a scan back to
© Friends of Himalayan Children 2025