Empowerment through education

"Our volunteer administration ensures nearly 95% of funds raised go directly to supporting disadvantaged children in regional Nepal."

Innocents Relief – a new partner

Friends of Himalayan Children has made new friends. Innocents Relief is a charity organisation based in Brisbane, Queensland. They work hard to improve the lives of disadvantaged children across the world, in such places as Africa, Timor Leste (East Timor), India, Sri Lanka, Papua New Guinea and Peru. Our beliefs and aspirations align beautifully with theirs. They too are a nonprofit organisation staffed entirely from volunteers and believe that education is the key to giving poor children an opportunity in life. They support 31 schools in 11 countries.

As well as funding school fees, uniforms, lunches and school materials for students, they also fund special projects such as safe water supply and new classrooms. It’s under this ‘special projects’ funding that they want to help us with the Batase school expansion. We’ve talked before about how Sujan accessed government funding to build new classrooms on FHC land. And how you helped with funding the preparation of the land for construction. Innocents Relief wants to help by funding the necessary infrastructure to get water to the new classrooms. They also want to fund two new high-school teachers in science and maths for two years. Their help is a huge boost to the school facilities in Batase. Their money has only just arrived and the water articulation project is already underway. Teachers are currently being sourced to fill the two teaching positions.

We are very thankful for this productive partnership with Innocents Relief. To learn more about this wonderful organisation, visit

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