In the months leading up to my trip I had bargained earnestly with the Universe: Just, please, let this trip happen and I won’t ask for anything more – ever! I was taking my grandsons, Lucas (16) and Indra (13), to Everest Base Camp. They were on the verge of …read more
“If you run in the morning it keeps you strong, fresh and smart for all the day”. This is Bir Bahadur and Buddhi Tamang. They are brothers. They have a sister called Buddhu Tamang. After the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, they went to India with their mother while their father …read more
“Thanks to a generous gift from my family, I recently had the opportunity to briefly experience Nepal in her magnificent and spectacular beauty, in her soulful and kind people, and the stark reality of life in a third world country. With my two best mates, we not only experienced trekking, …read more
Jitman Tamang (Tamang is a regional name and doesn’t indicate a family connection to Som) lost one of his legs, crushed by a falling rock while repairing his home from earthquake damage. An injury like this has a huge impact, not just on Jitman’s health but also on his ability …read more
FHC was founded by Som Tamang in 2007. Since then it has grown, developed and provided for many vulnerable children in Batase Village, with the hostel now housing over 60 children. In addition to children living in the hostel, FHC also supports some children living with relatives at home, a …read more
Brian Duncan best captures the amazing efforts of James Milaras and American friend Sean in his FaceBook post (31/07). James learned about the fantastic work Som and FHC were doing to improve the lives of children in Batase and wanted to help. He and Sean travelled to Batase to teach …read more
Cabbages, brussel sprouts and spinach are growing well in the new garden. An experimental crop of corn, producing two heads per stalk, is doing OK. Som will report further when he assesses the value of the crop during his next visit.
So far 160 trees have been successfully planted near the village of Batase, the earliest of which have now reached about a metre in height. Firewood is ongoing issue in Batase, with children having to go further into the jungle to find supplies. A new trend – the buying up …read more
Nijita, is one of five siblings who live at the hostel in Batase, having been effectively abandoned by their parents.
Kirsty first met Som in her capacity as a journalist for the ABC. Now she sponsors and volunteers with the FHC. Read more of her journey.
© Friends of Himalayan Children 2025